Sunday, April 9, 2017

Killorens of the Danuvian

The Killorens are adapted from the D&D book Races of the Wild.

The Killoren are a new, or perhaps only newly-recognized, faerie race.  Though they dwell indeep forests, they seem to have a drive to retake the world from city-builders.  They move freely in cities as they do in forests, and though their population is small, it is growing.

Killoren are on the smaller end of man-sized (about 5 ½ feet tall), with green or tan skin that resembles the texture of a fresh leaf.  They reach maturity at age 10 and live for hundreds of years.  Their hair and eye colors change, depending on what aspect of nature they are manifesting at the time.

Killoren live in scattered communities in the wild.  Their dwellings and communities blend so seamlessly into the surroundings that only an expert (a Difficult Faerie Lore roll) will be able to easily tell where the wilderness ends and the Killoren dwellings begin.  Killoren do not consider themselves (or anyone) to be owners of the land, but they do feel an obligation to guard and protect those areas they inhabit and/or revere.

Their communities are led by councils of elders and governed by their wisdom and the consensus of the community. 

STR     2d6+6  14

CON   2d6+6  14

SIZ      2d6+1  9

INT      3d6      11

POW   2d6+8  15

DEX    2d6+6  14

CHA    3d6      11

Move: 10

Hit Points: 11 (23)

Damage Bonus: none

Armor: None normally

Attacks: Wood Bow (SR 4) 45% 1d6+1,  Claws (wooden claws carved from branches, toughened and used to slash and stab) (SR 6) 35% 1d4+1


Killoren are immune to mind control, sleep, and paralyzing magic.  They always resist magic at their normal maximum POW, even if it has been depleted.

Low-Light Vision: Killoren can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Aspecting Nature:  Killorens have the unusual ability to “aspect” nature – meaning their bodies, minds and spirits are empowered by a particular form or force of nature.  Generally they choose which aspect they are manifesting when they rise for the day.  Each aspect comes with its own powers.

Aspect of the Ancient:  when aspecting the Ancient, Killorens hair is white and their eyes sky-blue.  They gain +10% on any nature or nature-based Lore skills and any Perception-based skills.

Aspect of the Destroyer: in this aspect, their hair and eyes become coal-black.  They gain a +20% attack against any nature-despoiling opponent. 

Aspect of the Hunter: in this aspect, their hair and eyes become dark green.  They gain +10% on Hide, Listen, Stealth, Spot and Track skills.

Killorens use woodland-type magic quite freely.  Any Killoren with a POW above 6 will have a number of spells equal to their INT/4.

Skills: Listen, Sense, Spot, Track, Climb, Dodge, Hide, Jump, Stealth, Swim, Throw. Knowledge: Forest Lore – all at 35%

Killorens in the Danuvian Forest

Population: 100 - 70 adults, 30 young - males and females 50% each
Area: approximately 78 sq miles (13 6-mile hexes)

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