This is a straight rip of the Village of Hommlet.
30 miles from a town, at a crossroads, a river not far, and a major city "many days travel" away. Crossroads bring travelers and tradesmen. Once peaceful, safe, and prosperous, but evil has threatened.
About 6 miles away in swamps and thickets along a tributary, a shanty town of hovels was founded by an evil cleric. Bandits and brigands moved in. A chapel became a stone church. The bandits became a menace to travellers and a stone temple of evil grew and evil things came to worship there. The land withered. Eventually there was an uprising and the bad guys were driven out. The temple was ruinded, sealed and blessed. Adventurers came over the years and wiped out the remaining monsters and took their loot. Things went well in the village. Lately the troubles have started again.
The approaching roads are now dusty and overgrown and covered in brambles.
People are mostly druidical with some of other religions. There are agents of the local lord there and agents of the evil temple - both incognito.
There is a local church with a reasonably powerful cleric and also a roughly equally powerful druid around. A new tower is underway, and a local and fairly powerful wizard and his warrior guard are also residents. The Inn of the Welcome Wench is fully described. As are the Trader's and the Church and the Magician's Tower.
The Ruins of the Moathouse near the Temple are a place to find adventure, treasure and danger.
In Ardwyn, I would say this village was partially deserted, then Wald adventurers cleared out the monsters and moved in. Now it's a Wald/Carthan mix instead of Druid/Cuthbert
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