Friday, March 17, 2017

Races of Drakkarin: Gnomes

Gnomes gave me some trouble, for the same reasons they do most players.  They're either just knocked-off Dwarves, or interchangeable with Halflings.  I actually am the only one who ever played Gnomes when I played D&D.  But play them I did and they made for some good characters.

 I liked the attempts in Races of Stone et al to make Gnomes more unique, and to that end, I have accepted them as part of Drakkarin.
Stereotype:  Impulsive little people with a trickster-ish sense of humor and a love of practical jokes.  Artists and tinkerers.  Those who become adventurers do so out of curiosity, thrill-seeking, or duty.  They are very artistic, good crafters and engineers, excellent with alchemy and potion-making, and have a talent for illusion magic.

Common Outlook and Attitudes: Possessed of an almost catlike curiosity.  They are suspicious of taller races, but not hostile to them.  In fact, tend to be interested in and curious about them.

Their communities are competitive, but in friendly ways, attempting to outdo one another in artistic or craft abilities, or quality of life.   They do not make war on each other, nor engage in feuds, and they avoid war or needless mass combats with any other race.  They will, however, fight like demons to protect their own selves, lands and communities.  

They particularly like playing mind games and complex practical jokes, especially against enemies.  And they use humor and trickery as tactics.

Habitat:  They like green, hilly, heavily wooded areas.  They make their homes in burrows beneath the hills, or on the sides of riverbanks.  Their home communities are well-camouflaged - you won't find them if they don't want you to.  There are those who dwell deep in the earth, deep in remote forests.  Some live in human cities or other races settlements, forming small communities of their own.

Communities are small, rarely exceeding 2,000.  All are independent.  Centralized government is not a thing with Gnomes. 

Sample/Known Communities: Kibosh (Races of Stone).  

Spirituality: Gnomes believe in a "Great Spirit", a powerful force for wisdom and survival, which manifests in all things.  In death, the departed return to the Great Spirit and are reborn.  They do not depict the Great Spirit with idols or shrines, as there's no need - it's everywhere already.  Their spiritual festivals celebrate beauty and joy.

Life-Span: Adulthood at 45.  Lifespan 350-500.

Sub-Races:  "Deep Gnomes" dwell deeper in the earth and shun the surface world, and a smaller "Deep Forest Gnome" breed (reduce SIZ by 1) who avoid all non-gnomes.  "River Gnomes" are also smaller, very graceful and excellent swimmers.  


STR 2d6          (8)
CON 3d6         (10-11)
SIZ 1d3+3 (-1 for underground, deep forest, or river gnomes)    (5)
INT 2d6+6     (12-13)
POW 2d6+8   (14-16)
DEX 2d6+6    (12-13)
CHA 3d6         (10-11)

Hit Points: 10

Skills: Appraise 50%, Art 50%, Bargain 40%, Climb 35%, Craft 50%, Dodge 45%, Fine Manipulation 60%, Hide 35%, Jump 30%, Knowledge (Gnomic Lore) 35%, Literacy 40%, Sleight of Hand 35%, Stealth 35% (for River Gnomes, Swim 65%).  Mimic Animal 55%, Communicate With Animal 45%.  All are good at languages and will learn a smattering of local tongues as well, at the very least.

Magic: All gnomes with a POW over 9 can have a number of spells equal to their INT / 3.  All gnomes with a POW over 12 get an automatic bonus on any illusion-based magic, equal to their POW -10. 

Powers: Gnomes are especially resistant to illusion-based magic, adding 5 points to their POW when resisting illusion magic.

Can see as well in dim light (say candlelight) or moonlight as clearly and as far as in daylight.

Are good with all animals, able to win their trust and communicate with them in various ways, including mimicing their sounds.

Armor Preferences:  Leather, Hard Leather, Ring, Chain or Plate - depending on need and rank (more experienced warriors have better stuff); Small Shield

Weapon Preferences:  Short Sword, Spear, Club, Sling, Short Bow

References/Inspiration:  NPC's Drew Hayes, Paksnarrion series Elizabeth Moon, "A Gnome There Was" Henry Kuttner, Nome Trilogy Terry Pratchett, Rough Magik Kenny Soward, Three Hearts and Three Lions, Enchanted Pilgrimage Clifford Simak

Races of Stone D&D supplement

Dragon Magazine: "The Gnomish Point Of View", "Gods of the Gnomes" (61), "All About Krynn's Gnomes" (103), "Folk of the Underworld" (131), "Study and Jest: The Secret Life of Gnomes" (291), "Bazaar of the Bizzare" (262, 291, 294), "Treasures of the Gnome Hills" (333)

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